8th White Nights Trophy 2024

Tournament menu


Youtube live: https://bit.ly/wnt2024


Thursday, May 23

13:00 Group A, Round 1

15:30 Group B, Round 1

18:00 Group C, Round 1

20:30 Group A, Round 2


Friday, May 24

09:00 Group B, Round 2

11:30 Group C, Round 2


14:30 Group D (1-6), Round 3

17:00 Group E (7-12), Round 3

19:30 Group F (13-18), Round 3


Saturday, May 25

08:00 Group E (7-12), Round 4
10:30 Group D (1-6)  Round 4

13:00 Group F (13-18), Round 4


16:00 Finals (top 6), Round 5


20:00 Banquet


General rules:
·         4 games guaranteed, top 6 will play 5 games
·         85 minutes time limit + one end, maximum 8 ends. There are no extra ends at any stage in the competition. The end starts when the first stone has crossed the T-line. That means if the signal goes on before the start of the next end then only one more end will be played.
·         Teams ranked by wins, ends and stone difference, Schenkel system. Win – 2 points, draw – 1 point, loss – 0 points. After the second round, all teams will be re-divided into groups according to their ranking (1-6, 7-12, 13-18). 
·         Toss is needed to decide the hammer before the start of each game.
·         You can choose to change the stone colors if the team without the hammer decides to do so. In that case, it is the obligation of the team to also change the name boards at the away end.